Putting my bike in storage for up to a year, need advice.

Discussion in 'Yamaha 250cc In-Line 4's' started by Jay1, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Jay1

    Jay1 New Member

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    Hey guys,

    Well my work has decided to deploy me up to Somalia for anti piracy ops for possibly the next 8 months to a year. I have done deployments before (Usually 4 - 6 months) and have always found that the bike can be a little hard to start when I get back from them. Just looking for any advice fellow members can give me on leaving her sitting for a lengthy period of time. I heard removing the plugs and putting a good amount to oil down the cylinders can stop sh!t from going bad down there. I don't have stands so the tires are going to sit on the ground and crack, I am aware of that but I will be coming back with so much money I wont care about getting new ones. Also the old ones will be good for burnouts and all that sh!t.

    I wrote off my falcon a few months back when I used a civic as a bonnet ornament and went 100m down a bank and into a tree so i want this bike to be all good when I get back as it is my only form of transport. Not planning on keeping it much longer after I get back but I still cant bring myself to sell it. Might just have to be the selfish guy and own 2 bikes and has his mrs drive him around everywhere during the winter.
  2. Romantix1

    Romantix1 New Member

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    Burnouts are illegal, please be sure to share your experiences with us.

    Im exactly the same.. I would rather put my money into the FZR motor then buy an RVF400. Cant bring myself to sell it <!-- s:( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:( -->

    No idea about oil down the cylinders (im no expert) but that doesnt sound too good.. lol, you would think the oil sump covers most of that... perhaps the expert's should have a go.
  3. Jay1

    Jay1 New Member

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    "Its only Illegal if you get caught"
  4. dave

    dave Well-Known Member

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    A squirt of engine oil down the plug holes will be ok. Do not uses CRC, WD40, etc.

    Shut of the fuel valve and drain the carbs of fuel (use a screwdriver to open carb drains). Don't forget to close them again once drained.

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