Proposed outlawing of lanesplitting

Discussion in 'Yamaha 250cc In-Line 4's' started by Spook, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. Spook

    Spook New Member

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    Sep 26, 2004
    Yep, the government law makers have come up with another beauty, the proposed outlawing of lanesplitting by motorbikes.
    You can Read about it at
    Click on the second link and go to page 26.
    The whole idea doesn't seem to have much common sense to it, and they still don't even clarify if it means you can't split between parked cars at lights (which is ridiculous if you can't) as opposed to moving traffic (which is more dangerous and fair enough).
    I wrote a reply and if anyone else has got a spare 5 minutes it would be worth firing off an email to register your ANGER. Or your mild disapproval. Either way, the more the better.
    Email to <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> by 20 January.

    This was my effort:
    Regarding the proposed rule change: 4.34 Riding a motor bike alongside a vehicle – New rule 151A.

    As a regular motorcyle rider and car driver (with no traffic offences recorded) I believe I am one of those best placed to pass judgement on the planned outlawing of "lanesplitting" by motorcycles.
    The stated view that such a practice is "inherently dangerous" is a typical reaction of car drivers who have little respect for the skills and awareness of the vast majority of motorcyclists. The idea that it is dangerous to pass between stationary rows of cars at traffic lights to reach the front is ridiculous at worst and misleading at best. Most motorcyclists have a fair concern for their own safety, and engage in such practices only when certain it is safe to do so – indeed the point is often to enhance safety (by reducing congestion and clearing away from groups of cars when the lights change to green).
    It is acknowledged, however, that lanesplitting between moving traffic is a more dangerous practice, and if a law must be introduced, it should be amended to outlaw this particular form of lanesplitting only. Most motorcyclists would agree with this.
    However, at present it again appears that Australian legislators have decided to ignore the good examples of their European counterparts (where lanesplitting is encouraged) and go down a path of over-regulating the motorcylcle fraternity by proposing blatantly nonsensical laws.
    And on a final note, I doubt the introduction of the law would have much effect on motorcyclists behaviour anyhow, as they have long ago learnt to look out for their own safety amongst a sea of distracted and ignorant car drivers.
    Please re-think the introduction of this law,

    Luke Considine
  2. Casso

    Casso New Member

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    Aug 23, 2005
    That sucks! i was meaning to send an email from work today, but got busier than expected. will write one up on monday instead.

    If we can't cut traffic then that'll add at least 10 minutes to my ride to work each morning, if not more.

    Technically it's not illegal at the moment... but the cops can hit you with quite a few offences if you do it (sharing a lane, under taking, etc etc).

    In canberra they tend to be quite lenient, as long as you're not dangerous and you're not deliberately trying to stir them up.

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