Ordering a chain

Discussion in 'FZR250.com - Archives' started by Metallifux!, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. Metallifux!

    Metallifux! New Member

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    Come across http://www.chaingang.com.au

    Just wondering if this chain will do alright for my fizzer.

    Manafacturer is R.K. Size is 520 and the Grade is M.O.

    They have it listed as an entry level O-Ring chain.

    Mechanic was gonna charge me $142 for a new chain. Thought i might sus it out. This one is $100.

    Do you think it would be much different than what the mechanic had in mind? I dont think it would be.
  2. csls22

    csls22 New Member

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    You can do a 520 chain conversion on the fizzer, but I don't recommend it. I'd stick to the 428 pitch chain. I ran a 520 on my fizzer and I could feel the chain going around the front sprocket (correctly adjusted before anyone says anything <!-- s:rofl: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":rofl:" title="Rofl" /><!-- s:rofl: --> ). Plus, I think the front sprocket is 13 tooth, (17 tooth is the equivalent for the 428) and my chain was chewed out in about 8,000 kays. I went back to the 428 and it was smooth as <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->

    Thats just my 2c worth anyway.

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