Nooby at riding, bought an old FZR.

Discussion in ' - Archives' started by mr_mordred2095, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. mr_mordred2095

    mr_mordred2095 New Member

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    Mar 4, 2006
    long story short, i bought an 89 2kr exup FZR250 from a mate 2 doors up for $1300, It had some problems, they're as follows:

    + One side fairing ahd a chunk missing, the other side had a big crack in it.

    + It was apparantly dropped going around a roundabout at about 25k's an hour

    + the right hand ride of the engine has scrape marks from above incident

    + it's about 30,000k's old

    + It hauls arse over 12,000rpm, and has exup written up the exhaust, so I'm going to assume it has exup.

    + the can has nasty scrape marks from the accident, but does it's job.

    + engine runs pretty fkn good, but i think it needs a tune

    + I bought a new battery for $40 for it, not too bad I suppose

    + Starter motor has been repaired after it had apparantly seized, sounds a little rattley, but it works fine for the 1 second i use it.

    What I wish to know is the following ^_^ :

    + Where can I go to get it tuned in ipswich/west brisbane area.

    + How do I replace coolant and oils, pics would be nice, along wif tutorial.

    + Knowing what grades of oil that are needed would be nice too ^_^

    + It revs quite healthily all the way to 16500rpm before i backed off, because I didn't want to blow it up.

    + Where can I get some cheap fairings <!-- s:( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:( -->

    + Anything else I should know?

    Thanks in advance guys, for reading, here's a pic of a friend on my bike for your viewing pleasure ^_^

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 6_1622.jpg</a><!-- m -->
  2. Boz

    Boz New Member

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    Nov 19, 2003
    Sounds like a reasonable deal you got. Answers to your questions:

    Where to get it tuned: pm tanyathecheeky - she is another member on this forum (previous owner of a fzr250). She lives in brisbane and may give you some ideas where to go. Not sure if she is on west, south, east etc though.

    How to replace stuff: check out the how to section of this site (<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewforum.php?f=20</a><!-- l --> ). Then if there are things missing from there ask.

    Oil grades: mostly covered in the how to sections. Easy way though - buy an oil that is for a 4 stroke motorcycle, preferably partially synthetic or fully synthetic (I go partially because of the cost savings).

    Cheap fairings: sounds like the one with the crack could be repaired. Otherwise you should start contacting your local wreckers to see what they have. Wreckers will charge about $200-$250 a side probably. Depending on how big the 'chunk' is you may be able to get it repaired. tbone would know more about repairing fairings and what is possible... hopefully he sees this post on next visit.

    Other things: ride safe, and enjoy the bike! The most common problem seems to be out-of-tune carbies, but other than that the bike tends to run really well.

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