Apologies for the radio silence, I've been pretty flat out with uni. I've managed to order a bunch of parts and just started receiving them which is exciting. Also pulled the carbs apart last night and put them in an ultrasonic cleaner. Any tips for reassembly? I might also start a proper build thread. I tried to order a centre stand from impex but they came back saying NLA, was there somewhere else you had in mind? Otherwise I'll just have to keep an eye out. Also I think the rear shock should be alright for now, gave it a bounce and it doesn't oscillate at all. Won't know properly till it's on the road though I might just hunt around for a second hand stand, see how I go. Also interestingly from what I can tell it's exactly the same as the VCT model, just without the VCT. I don't think they had the VCT in Japan. Thanks for the link to that bike being wrecked, not sure what second hand parts I need at the moment though. A new rear fairing would be nice but definitely far from a priority
Hey Frankster, I'm in the process of rebuilding my carbs and I came across your post from a couple years ago. I was looking for the float height setting and I saw you mentioned you got some information from the service manual. Where can I find the service manual? Also a pic of my very professional workbench
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