A story with a moral

Discussion in 'Yamaha 250cc In-Line 4's' started by robustus0007, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. robustus0007

    robustus0007 New Member

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    Oct 23, 2006
    So I had ample time on my disposal today and whenever I have free time I usually spend it cleaning my bikes.

    Both of my bikes needed cleaning so I planned to wash them up.

    As I tended to my FZR, I noticed that the brake oil level for the front disks was below the required level so I went to the market and bought DOT3 bottle. For putting new brake oil it is always suggested to replace the old one and not mix it with the new oil that you're going to fill so I did that. It was my first experience with the brake oil but amazing that I succeeded with the job and even bled the brakes excellently. Did a small ride and the brakes were like WOW!!

    A thought came to my mind and I decided to put new oil for the rear brake as well. Again I took out the old oil and filled the small can with new oil. Too bad I was not being able to bleed the rear brake properly. Kept on trying but to no avail. Another thought came to my mind...I took an old battery pipe and started sucking air out of the hose worked a bit but there was still air in the brakes. Not good. Kept on trying till I felt something weird on my lips. Gosh...my lips had swollen. I ran inside and took anti allergic pill and rinsed my mouth with cold water. Goodness me, the situation was under control and the swelling wasn't too bad and subsided soon.

    Came back to work, but I wouldn't use the battery pipe this time. Made another try but the air won't bleed. Suddenly I noticed that there was another piston on the rear brake. Got the point, the air was present in this second piston....I bled it and the brake pressure was back to normal. Good work.

    Next I thought to change the oil and clean the air filter as well. So removed the fairings and the tank to clean air filter.

    This being done, it was time to wash the two bros. They were pretty filthy.

    Washed the 125 first as its an easy task and then got to the FZR.
    It was for the first time that I had removed the tails so there was quite a lot of dust there, so removed everything and washed it all.
    Next removed the tach cover, surprisingly it didn't need any cleaning.

    All done, I left the bike in the sun for drying it completely and came back in the evening. Switched on, pushed the self but eh <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_Eyecrazy.gif" alt=":-?" title="Eye Crazy" /><!-- s:-? --> <!-- s:( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:( --> ...there was no self at all.
    The first thought....I have ruined it. Panicky!! Alright, I shall see it. Removed the seat, checked the fuses. All fine. Checked the CDI unit, fine. Tried the self again, no use. <!-- s:mad: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mad.gif" alt=":mad:" title="Mad" /><!-- s:mad: --> <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> Next I checked the wire connections, opened them and placed back again. Pushed the self button and there you go...Now I am riding. <!-- s:rofl: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":rofl:" title="Rofl" /><!-- s:rofl: --> <!-- s:rofl: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":rofl:" title="Rofl" /><!-- s:rofl: -->

    The moral of the story is...Never suck the air out of brakes through a pipe or something, lest you should get swollen lips and don't wet the wirings while washing your bike. Who knows you might get serious problems.
  2. furryfrog

    furryfrog New Member

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    Jul 16, 2007
    mate thats awesome i love seein when people really get into their bike and take pride in what they are riding.

    If only all learner bikes received this kinda treatment, makes me want to buy some new side fairings for mine.

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