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Licence Steps to renew my bike licence after 34 years

Discussion in 'Licence - Rego - Insurance - Law - Rider Training' started by Andych, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. Andych

    Andych Moderator Staff Member Premium Member Contributing Member Dirty Wheel Club

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    Oct 6, 2016
    Albury 2641
    My Bike:
    1987 Yamaha SRX250, Honda 1974 SL125 K1, 2022 Triumph Tiger Sport 660
    Ahh yes... the good old days... when all you needed to be able to pass your license test was to do a 3 point turn, reverse park and a hill start... plus not kangaroo the car on take off..
    I didn't even have to do a hill start... there were no hills locally that were steep enough :)
    I don't remember anyone around my age that went for their license and failed... I think now they fail them on the first try... just because they can... lol
  2. James P

    James P Active Member

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    Jan 1, 2017
    Sydney, NSW
    I got my learner's permit in 1987 and it was still like that...although it may have been 20 questions by then!

    With learner's permit in pocket, one could then jump straight on an RG/RZ/KR250. I can't remember exactly when the power-to-weight ratio restrictions were introduced, but RGV/TZR/KR-1 250s were all banned for learners by 1990.

  3. Andych

    Andych Moderator Staff Member Premium Member Contributing Member Dirty Wheel Club

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    Oct 6, 2016
    Albury 2641
    My Bike:
    1987 Yamaha SRX250, Honda 1974 SL125 K1, 2022 Triumph Tiger Sport 660
    When I got my bike L's there were no restrictions... you could go and buy a Kawa 750 triple or a Honda 4 750, Triumph etc the moment you waked out of the motor registry...
    Might be one of the reasons I dont have too many friends from back then... I lost quite a few to bike accidents... more to drugs.

    All the Bikies ran on Learners then... because P plates had just come in and there was no time limit on your learners permit... :)
    Ahh the good old days....
  4. GreyImport

    GreyImport Administrator Staff Member The Chief Contributing Member

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    Jun 14, 2012
    Between a Rock and a Hard Place
    North by NW NSW Oztralia - Tamworth
    My Bike:
    *Kawasaki ZXR250C *Yamaha FZR250R 3LN1 *Yamaha FZR400 *Triumph Bonneville 750 T140V *Triumph Daytona 675 *Triumph Tiger 800XC
    Yep same in my day .... Ducati GTs , Triumphs , Honda 4s , Beezas but a few did have smaller bikes to start out on ... but not for long.

    and yep went to many funerals and hospital beds

    We had like a couple of learners permits amongst us and whoever was riding used them as obviously had no photo ID

    The battered old cardboard L plate jammed under the plate ..... and of course everyone stayed on Ls cuz u couldnt lose your licence with them

    The demise of the Ducati 750 ..... my mate from this had his arm in a sling for 10 years (nerve damage) then when they decided to amputate , he thought that would be the end of the pain .... but alas no .... he was told he would still suffer , so he ended it all ... permanently.

    Good, but mostly crazy, old days .... with no shortage of alcohol and the green stuff

    Ducati (Small).jpg

    Rise and fall of a K1

    K1 (Small).jpg

    Triumph Saint

    Saint (Small).jpg

    From memory a Kawa triple , but cant remember what size ..... I just remember a few going 'holy shite' after riding it

    Triple (Small).jpg
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  5. Andych

    Andych Moderator Staff Member Premium Member Contributing Member Dirty Wheel Club

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    Oct 6, 2016
    Albury 2641
    My Bike:
    1987 Yamaha SRX250, Honda 1974 SL125 K1, 2022 Triumph Tiger Sport 660
    Haha... yes, I had one or 2 of those Holy shite moments myself...
    One of my mates who lived a few streets away bought himself a Kawa 500 triple and when I had my first ride found it insane in the first 3 gears but it was OK once you got to 4th...
    Next time I rode it was a different story... took it easy up to 4th... cranked the throttle and was looking at the sky before throttling back rapidly and immediately turning around.
    I handed the keys back and after abusing him, asked what was different... He lived next door to a larrakin called Warren Willing... who had transplanted Chesterfield barrels, heads and "played" with some other bits...
    Scared the living crap out of me....lol
    And all with brakes that were less effective than a postie bike these days...

    I survived... not sure how sometimes.. but I did.
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  6. Andych

    Andych Moderator Staff Member Premium Member Contributing Member Dirty Wheel Club

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    Oct 6, 2016
    Albury 2641
    My Bike:
    1987 Yamaha SRX250, Honda 1974 SL125 K1, 2022 Triumph Tiger Sport 660
    So... after abandoning my original quest to regain my bike license due to having to be a Stem cell donor for my son, I had not bothered about it as I didnt have a ridable bike... but now moving to Victoria (just across the Murray from NSW) I started to look at what was entailed down in Mexico...
    Holy Crap Batman.... I though NSW was a rip off... but the Mexicans certainly know how to hit you.
    $575 (weekend) or $525 (weekday) for a 2 day course (included your Vicroads charges) just to get your Learners... Then before you can do your license test you have to do a "Check ride course" 3 hrs at $230 and then the license test is a further $280.
    That is over a Thousand $ to get your bike license...

    Interesting that if we had found a house in Albury I would only need to front up to Service NSW and do a written skills test and they give me a Learners permit... and the License test is a Kerbside test.. just like in the good old days.
    How do young fellas afford to get their license with costs like that... even before they get their bike, insurance and riding gear... stinks of money grabbing to me.
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  7. Andych

    Andych Moderator Staff Member Premium Member Contributing Member Dirty Wheel Club

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    Oct 6, 2016
    Albury 2641
    My Bike:
    1987 Yamaha SRX250, Honda 1974 SL125 K1, 2022 Triumph Tiger Sport 660
    Well it appears that the NSW Laws are soon going to change... apparently areas like Albury (which is an undeclared area) that dont have Stay upright or equivalent courses are changing to now be Declared Areas and you will need to complete a course... not sure how that will work if there is no facility or company doing the courses in these areas..
    I was told that last week when I renewed my Car license so I booked my Observed Curb-side test which I did this morning.
    There was a bit more to it than when I did my first test back in the mid 70's. Red P's now for 12 months then I can get a Super Bike lol.... Yeah-Nah
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