weird noise?

Discussion in ' - Archives' started by rb89, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. rb89

    rb89 New Member

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    g'day all,

    when im riding and going through 7-9000 rpm, accelerating or decelerating, most times i can hear this strange noise. its high pitched and to me sounds like a vibration or scrape of metal on metal. i think its the exup, but what could be causing it?

    i havent had the chance to wire the exup open while runing the bike yet..

    any ideas?
  2. koma

    koma New Member

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    Metal on metal like scraping, or metal on metal like rattling?
    There may be a slight scrape noise whilst accelerating or decellerating through that range as thats when the EXUP valve is moving the most. I'd be guessing that it's more likely just EXUP rattle which means you need to clean your EXUP valve, lube the cables, and readjust the cable tension.
  3. rb89

    rb89 New Member

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    Ccheers Koma. I'll give that a go when these mid semesters are over..

    It did start not long after removing the exup to respray the headers, which i forgot to mention above.
  4. Jad_1985

    Jad_1985 New Member

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    dude the exup makes noise if its not tottaly opening at the 9500_10000 rev check it if its not from the exup i think thi snoise is from the engine sounds like by time this noise will get louder nd louder i think its from the crank rods maybe they are at the end of their life u will observe the noise is getting higher nd a power loss alot
  5. rb89

    rb89 New Member

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    hasnt been any power loss and it hasnt been a progressive thing, but ill check it out if its still there after the exup gets some attention.
  6. Jad_1985

    Jad_1985 New Member

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    ok i 4get to ask u after the 10000 rev u feel the bikes jump immeditaly and accelerate too fast when it reach the peak ?? if the exup is not totally opened at the 10k rev u must notice a power loss at this range the bike will not accelerate fastly as it must be just keep ur eyex at the exup valve nd let somone to rev ur bike on the nueatral gear nd u watch the valve should b opened totally at 9500_10000 rev but the bike i had b4 the own now i faced same problme of wierd noise nd metal on metal it was not o loud nd no power loss at the begging but by time it became more and more noisy then it was from inside the engines the crank rods were damaged and that i big problem <!-- s:zzz: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sleeping.gif" alt=":zzz:" title="Sleeping" /><!-- s:zzz: --> i hope its not the same problem ur facing

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