Dropped it

Discussion in 'FZR250.com - Archives' started by deane, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. deane

    deane New Member

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    I went up a really steep slope and stopped at the top, and over balanced and the bike came down softly. but not so softly as to no break the clutch leaver in half, a little bit of paint as well, but i dont care about that.

    so where do i get a replacement clutch lever from.

    also up steep inclines i am finding i need to rev it to around 8k and ride the clutch otherwise the engine bogs down and dies.


  2. sandog

    sandog New Member

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    how steep is the hill your riding on? is it your driveway or on a main road(what speed do you want to do?). what gear are you in? I havent really had too many probs riding up hills. i usually ride around at least 6000rpm all the time, our bikes are kina revvy. my mate has a steep slope on his drive way so from standing still i had to rev to around 8k aswell.
  3. sandog

    sandog New Member

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    how steep is the hill your riding on? is it your driveway or on a main road(what speed do you want to do?). what gear are you in? I havent really had too many probs riding up hills. i usually ride around at least 6000rpm all the time, our bikes are kina revvy so it wont be so bad is your takin it to 8k. my mate has a reallysteep slope for his drive way so from standing still i had to rev to around 8k aswell.
  4. Dean

    Dean Active Member

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    Deane call up metroplian wreckers aka silverwater wreckers, its in the links page on the FZR 250 links sticky post.

    You ll get a clutch for $15 bucks brand new i think. cause their generic.
    Call em up anyhows!

    Steep inclines are a bitch, cause you have to worry about rolling back and balance.. but over time you ll get the jitz of it and will be pullin wheelies of the inclines!! <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: -->
  5. FZR Dude

    FZR Dude New Member

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    Stopping on an incline should never be a problem for a motorcyclist. As you approach the stop, be sure that you are in first gear and hold the bike in place using the rear brake. Then you have all the other controls free to make a smooth start. I do understand that the 250's are a little down on power, but this should help.
  6. Boz

    Boz New Member

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    When I first started riding I used to go up the incline and stop with the front brake (because then I could put both feet down), and then when stopped transfer my weight to the left and put on the rear brake. I found it was good when I was getting comfortable on inclines. But with practice and increased comfort balancing the bike I adopted the method above - much easier.

    As for revving to 8000 on inclines - I used to do the same.

    oh - and don't worry about dropping it too much. I am sure that we have all been there (some worse than others...)
  7. sandog

    sandog New Member

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    whooops i htink i missed thoe whole point of what deane was on about. DOH. but yeah im with the dude on this one about using your rear brake on inclies. kinda like your handbrake on a hill start in a manual car.
  8. deane

    deane New Member

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    well it was prob about 20 degree hill, so really steep and i stopped at the top and turned the bars a bit I think that was my downfall so to speak.
    Anyway live and learn........

    FLETCH New Member

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    Hey Deane, Make sure when you get a new clutch lever, It has the little peice of metal on it that stops you starting the bike while it is in gear,
    Some of the generic ones do not have it.
    Also be carefull you don't lose the little metal bush that is inside the lever when you put the new one on (most new levers don't have the bush).
    Bush = Little metal tube inside the lever pivot.
    cheers Fletch
  10. utero

    utero New Member

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    its easier to take off from a steep hill wen u use rear break. before im using the front break and i cant get the momentum and timing wen my right hand is busy on the front break. and the engine would stall.

    All of my bike drops happen when parking..forgot the kick stand or moving my bike without riding it. i fix my cracked fairings but both of my clutch levers are broken..luckily i have a friend who can weld aluminum.

    i think all of bike owners have drop experiences. no one has the right to laugh at us if we drop our bikes.

    Bike has 2 wheels plus gravity equals ouch minus cash...but it multiplies our experience

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