How far an fzr can go on its side...

Discussion in ' - Archives' started by Boz, Feb 23, 2004.

  1. Boz

    Boz New Member

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    Nov 19, 2003
    My current record that I set today is about 15 feet, though I didn't try too hard. Dean may have beaten that one previously though... 3.5 years and first off is not too bad especially considering this was a minor one.

    How? I was at a t-intersection turning right. Busy time of day, tight road, no lanesplitting room so did not see what the corner had in store for me (had I known I would have gone a different direction...). So i was behind about 5 cars going around this corner. About mid way through the corner I noticed that the entire lane was covered in oil :)mad:). Too late - my front wheel doesn't like oil (has a phobia) and decided it would be best to get off it by getting off the ground. So the bike (and me) slid. There was no avoiding this oil, and I called the road authority quite soon after to fix this - as soon as I recovered.

    Me? Perfectly fine. Well, not quite. A bruise on the hip, and a small graise to the knee (more like rug burn - I had proper pants on which showed absolutely no damage and just rubbed on my knee). I also hit my elbow quite hard but the armor in my jacket took the brunt of that force and I was fine. Gear held up incredibly and I was glad to be wearing it!

    The bike? Broken brake lever, and broken right foot peg. Some new (minor) scratches on the exhaust, mirror, and right front indicator. The fairing scratches are easily fixed as there was no cracking. Already sourced lever and foot peg. Front cowling is bent, so will have to re-bend the support frame for that to proper position. Forks were twisted as well. <!-- s:???: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":???:" title="Confused" /><!-- s:???: -->

    So I rode the bike to my fiance's parents place which is strange without a front brake and without a foot peg to rest the right brake foot on. Particularly difficult with twisted forks as I was steering to the right to go straight. Had some nice people stop to make sure I was ok which I thought was nice. I was shaken up, but recovered about 15 minutes later to ride it to fiance's parents (5 km's maybe).

    So that was my exciting monday morning. I was fortunate enough to follow this up by going to the hospital because my fiance decided she didn't like having an appendix anymore - actually it is more accurate to say that the appendix didn't like having her as a host - so spent about 10 hours there. She is getting rid of the offending organ tomorrow morning...

    Hope your mondays were better than mine!
    <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
  2. robo1

    robo1 New Member

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    Jan 20, 2004
    Boz Man,
    That Sux sorry to hear about your crappy luck, but theres not much you can do about oil... atleast your not broken.
    Similar thing happened to me the other week but it was a well hidden pile of stones that must have been washed on the road by a flood. Hit it with the front wheel, felt it sliding, then my dirt bike habits kicked in and I put my foot down to kick me up again.
    Dont recommend doing that but it was lucky I was moving fairly slowly...
  3. flightcrank

    flightcrank New Member

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    Jan 13, 2004
    hay boz, real sad to hear you fell off,

    as always good to hear your ok and came out on top, also good to hear you bike can still be fixed

    take comfort in the fact that everyone will come of there bike at least once, i havent but i am prepared for when i do,

    it is also good to hear that you were prepared to, waring all the right gear that saved you skin !, this not so bad accident could have tured into a bad one if you didnt have gear on, (pants, jacket ect)

    to be shacken up is understandable so you feel as right as rain in no time ! i hope you girl friend recovers soon too,

    yeah, modays just suck dont they !
  4. Embo

    Embo New Member

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    Dec 2, 2003
    Hehehe Boz, Sounds like a typical monday in the life of me <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> I live in a place ruled by murphys law. Sounds like you got a nice dose of it <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

    I'm real glad to see your ok, and 3.5 years is a pretty good innings mate. I rode through oil about 3 days ago and didn't even know till i got home and saw oil splashed all over the place including the front tyre <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> . Hope everything picls up soon and your riding ya machine again Cya bro
  5. Dean

    Dean Active Member

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    Nov 18, 2003
    Damn that suxs dude, though its good to see you all OK!
    15feet u slid eh ?? i wish i recall myself for my accident, but i dont remember anything ! <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very sad" /><!-- s:cry: -->
    With that mishap you can know look back with more experience and keep on riding. damn oil is hard to see, that really suxs bad.. how fast were u goin around the corner? was it quite slow.. ill be more cautious of oil slicks for sure now.
  6. Boz

    Boz New Member

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    Nov 19, 2003
    I was probably only going about 10 km/hour, so quite slow. It just happened to be rush hour and I was fortunate that the person behind me was patient else I may have also been hit. I was told by an observer (a rider in a cage who pulled over to help) that it actually looked quite comical - slow motion movie sort of effect.

    The bike is almost fully recovered already. Forks have been straightened, got a new brake lever ready to put on, and just need to find a foot peg which shouldn't be that difficult. I should be riding again by Saturday afternoon. Then a bit of sanding and paint matching. The only parts that got scratched were the gold bits, so it wasn't that bad at all. Quite lucky looking back on it...

    I actually felt not as bad this morning when I saw a cbr 600 do the same thing as I did (except on gravel). The rider got up quickly though and rode off as there was no damage and I think he was more embarrassed than anything.
  7. Dean

    Dean Active Member

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    Nov 18, 2003
    yeh a rider would be embrassed when u fall.. well i know i would be.. cause u stack ur bike in front of every1.. and u probably thinkin all the cagers are bad mouthin u ..or laughin?
    oh well. if i fell down in front of other pplz ill just ride away in embrassment thats for sure.

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