Farenheit 9/11

Discussion in 'Yamaha 250cc In-Line 4's' started by ajak, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. ajak

    ajak New Member

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    I saw this movie recently and think quite a few scenes from it are classics, particularly the makeup scenes or the interviews with the big corporation executives who are given contracts in Iraq. What was shown in this movie wasn't really anything new to me except a few bits, but the way Moore puts it together makes it all work well and flow.

    A lot of people think it might be boring to watch a 90min + documentary in the cinemas but with his movie's you just don't feel the length. The movie is obviously biased and rightfully so since the American masses need some opposing views to their mass media.

    Has anyone seen it? What are your opinions?
    If you haven't go see it, well worth it!!! <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
  2. Dean

    Dean Active Member

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    I seen it, was suprised me was when the plane hit the twin tower, and he was still in the primary school outing. I would have excepted for him to get out of there and consult his advisors on cause of action straight away. overall yeh defaintely bias movie, moore just passin his view across but overall interesting documentary

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